Confessions of Carpentries Instructors
- Jannetta Steyn
- Aleksandra Nenadic
- Colin Sauze
- Jeremy Cohen
- Mario Antonioletti
- Chris Wood
- Sarah Jaffa
This workshop will comprise a confessional panel presenting reflections and experiences from preparation, delivery and teaching workshops, especially those delivered in the ‘live coding’ style exemplified by The Carpentries curricula. The panel will discuss and reflect on their own mistakes - an important part of developing as an educator - and engage with the live audience in an open forum that welcomes honesty and discourages judgement, aimed at normalising mistakes as an integral and unavoidable part of delivering teaching. The audience will also be offered practical advice on what steps can be taken to avoid the same mistakes in the future.
We will run a survey to collect experiences and confessions from the wider Carpentries and training community. The survey will be left open after the panel and results periodically collected. Feel free to submit your experiences at: