Post Ultra Rundown

I finished the ultramarathon in 09:58:23, 60k 2000m climb. It was the best run I have ever been on. It is one of the best things I have ever done.

Starting in Llanberis the run climbs quickly where Alex and I quickpy got into the rythm of making use of any flat and powerwalking up hills. Making some new ‘trail friends’ along the way. At the top of the first hill we decended fast to lake. This decent was thrilling feeling more like running down a hill as a child then a careful decent, this is the last time going down is fun!

Moving to Beddgelert forest the Ultra route diverges from the marathon route and heads out toward the sea, once you climb out of the forest and hit the view you are treated to a view of the hills and the ocean. Many of these trails felt like they were more often traversed by sheep then people with plenty of track so think with ferns you couldnt see your feet. The climb back ober the ridge to the forest was the first time on the route people stopped talking. The base of the hill was marshy and the top steep. It was here on a break where we met ‘red team’ who we would criss cross for the rest of the run. Coming over the ridge there was no flowing downhil track only a technical scramble down to the firetrack. Once on the firetrack Alex and I realised we would need to get a shift on to get to the 1st cutoff point in time. We made it will less that 15 mins to spare.

The trek from here to Pen-Y-Pass is flat for the majority of the way, we were back on the trail with the marathon runners some of whom had too much energy! We checked in with my Wife, Dad and dogs who had found us for the third and final time on the route. We helped one runner round some cattle who were rudly standing on the path whilst a bull stared at us. Once we were within a few kilometers of Pen-Y-Pass we realised just how steep the climb to the bottom of the snowdon ascent was. With a fair amount of grit we got our heads down and made it though a thankfully sort rainstorm to where we could start climbing Yr Waddfa. Somewhere here I finished my first ever marathon in around 6 hours so thats a nice and easy PB to beat sometime in the future!

The climb to the summit was steep, rocky, and busy. It became clear at this point that Alex and I would need to seperate as we had very different approaces to this kind of climbing. I loved every second of it entering a sort of childlike glee hopping up the rocks as fast as I was still able and running on each flat meter I could find. The decent was probably the hardest part of the run. My legs felt like the could fold backward and at several points it was simply too steep to run. Had I had the same strenth as on my first decent I’m sure it would have been a lot more fun. On the long slog I called out to a marshall to ask how far to the finish, they responded “6k thats only 1 more than a parkrun; any plum can do a parkrun”, whilst I felt like quite a bruised plum its true I could do a Parkrun.

I don’t recall the timings but having around 40 mins left I realised I has sub 10 hours in reach which was only 3 or more hours longer than my wildly optimistic best hoped for time, or 1 hour longer than the latest I thought I would finish. Still 560 minuites in sub 600 mins felt like a good goal to keep the legs going. The decent had a few more hills that felt near impossible to walk down let alone run. Coming round the back od Llanberis toward the lake there was a final treck tough a forest and just as I thouhgt I was going to miss the 10 hour mark I recognised a car park and realised I was 500m from the end. The slowest sprint finish I have ever done saw me coming in to the finish with 1:17 to spare on my newly self imposed goal and my first ultra completed.


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Post Ultra Rundown

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I finished the ultramarathon in 09:58:23, 60k 2000m climb. It was the best run I have ever been on. It is one of the best things I have ever done.

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