2023-08-27 Weekly Blog

This week:

Light (nearly) 5k

Ab repeats N from 5 - 15, with Nx2 rest between each exorcise

  • N Russian Twists
  • Nx2 seconds side plank (each side)
  • Nx2 Seconds plank
  • N Elbow to knee crunch

1.2k pool swim (30 Mins)

Parkrun with a 1k warmup

11k very light

Full body at 50-70% max weight

After having some knee pain and taking advice from my Aunt (a PT with some very impressive finishes, ironman e.t.c) I’ve switched to a 3 week rolling plan.

This is week 1 or ‘easy week’ lots of rest days and light running. Its actually been really benificial to step back from the high intensity training and I feel stronger for it. The plan below is a first pass and a guideline, I think medium week may need stepping up a bit but we will see. It will be intresting to see how I feel after a couple of 3 week cycles. Likely this will be a good week for any further parkrun PBs now they are not my main focus.

A guide plan is this:

Easy Week

  • Monday Rest
  • Tuesday Easy 5
  • Wednesday Core
  • Thursday Swim
  • Friday Rest
  • Saturday Parkrun
  • Sunday Zone2 10k + Light Full Body

Medium Week

  • Monday Rest
  • Tuesday Light run
  • Wednesday Upper Body
  • Thursday Intervals
  • Friday Rest
  • Saturday Parkrun
  • Sunday Zone 3 15k and full body

Hard week

  • Monday Hill Reps
  • Tuesday Light run
  • Wednesday Full body
  • Thursday Intervals
  • Friday Rest
  • Saturday Parkrun
  • Sunday Half and Runners leg day

Parkrun this week felt great I wasnt running for a PB (it’s a parkrun PB at 21:51), but more just keeping my focus on what to do at what part of the course and on having my hands in the correct place. It wasnt a ‘hard’ run and i felt strong for most of it certianly focusing on when and where to push really helped and I managed to do a easy 1st lap to leave somthing for the 2nd.

Other notablesthis week were:

  • The core day with the increaseing sets/times this was really good.
  • The Rocket X came down by another £5 so I got another pair at £65.

Personal Bests

  • 1k: 3:52, Aug 07 2023
  • 1mi: 6:44.2, Nov 19 2022
  • 5k: 21:04, Sep 30 2023
  • Parkrun: 21:04, Sep 30 2023 (Coventry)
  • 10k: 46:54, Oct 16 2023
  • Half: 1:49:31, Jan 28 2024
  • Marathon: 3:57:12, Jan 28 2024
  • Longest: 61.11km, Jul 09 2023

My Current goals

  • Road Distance/Time goals:
    • 5k: 21:00
    • 10k: 45:00
    • Half: 1:45:00
    • Marathon: 4:00:00 3:45:00
    • Ultras:
      • 50 mile: 10 hours
      • 100 km: 14 hours
  • Trail Ultras:
    • Distance goals:
      • Complete a 50 mile
      • Complete a 100 km
      • Complete a 100 mile
    • Ascent Goals
      • Do 5000m climb in one race
      • Do 10,000m climb in one race
    • Position Goals
      • Come top 50% in my age category on a fell run
      • Come top 25% overall on a fell run
      • Get to 25% consistently on runs
  • Other:
    • 24 hour race (maybe Snowdon 24)
    • Backyard Ultra
      • 12 Laps (50 mile)
      • 18 Laps (75 mile)
      • 24 Laps (100 Mile)
    • Peaks
      • Summit all three highest UK peaks in one year on 3 separate ultras.
    • Coventry Way

Upcoming Events


  • 03/03/2024 GP Oulton Park Marathon, road basically flat - Goal 3:45:00
  • 20/04/2024 Lake District 62k ~3800m ascent/decent - goal 9:00:00
  • 06/07/2024 Eryi the Crossing 56.57k ~3000m ascent/decent (trail/fell) - Goal 8:00:00
  • 04/10/2024 North Caost 110k - Goal finish




2024-01-28 Weekly Blog

1 minute read

Personal Bests 1k: 3:52, Aug 07 2023 1mi: 6:44.2, Nov 19 2022 5k: 21:04, Sep 30 2023 Parkrun: 21:04, Sep 30 2023 (Coventry) 10k: ...

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